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•   Wayne Trupke  7/27
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•   Sharon Augustin (Neitzel)  8/6
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 43.2%

A:   199   Joined
B:   262   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Our 80th Year Celebration
SATURDAY, September 21st
Machine Shed – Pewaukee – 10:00 a.m. to …
N14 W24145 Tower Place
(I-94 & WIS 164 Exit 294)

While we’re tallying statistics about our lifetime here are

Other Important Activities in Life:

Sleeping:  We spend approximately 227,760 hours, or 9490 days, or 26 years sleeping!  (Not sure that counts the catnaps in our easy chairs, nodding off at church, or asleep on car/airplane trips.  We can probably knock off a few 1000 hours of sleep for each child you’ve raised!) 


Working:  On average we spend 90,360 hours, or 3765 days, or 13 years working.  This assumes a normal “working person’s” 40-hour work week.  Add another 441 days working “overtime”.  (If you were in management, you owned your own business and/or did a lot of volunteering, you can add a whole bunch more to those numbers.)


Eating:  We’re munching down for about 37,992 hours, or 1583 days, or 4 ½ years in our lifetimes.  (Add a lot more for during the Covid quarantine period!!!)  Of course, it takes that long to chew the 35 tons of food the average American consumes.  (Cut that by more than half for over 50% of the world’s population.)


Exercising:  We spend about 1.3 years taking care of our bodies, about a fourth of the time we spend eating!  (Come on guys!  You can’t count the walking you do to the refrigerator as real exercise!)

Screen time:  We’re watching TV for about 8.3 years with an additional 3 years on social media (like!) for a total of 11.3 years.  That’s 4125 days and almost 100,000 hours.  (Social media is using Facebook to tell your Bestie that you spent the entire day watching “I Love Lucy”, “Mash” and “St Elsewhere” reruns!)

Driving:  The average person spends about 38,000 hours or 1583 days or 4.3years driving.  (That is, of course, if you don’t live in California.  Californians can probably double that amount … except much of it is just sitting in traffic, so maybe it can’t be considered driving.)


Sex:  For something that is such a major subject of advertising, movies, beauty parlor/locker room chat, dreams, teenager and college age kid’s fantasies, actually having sex accounts for only 0.45 percent of the average person’s life (that doesn’t include sex by yourself Ron! Or, as we found out later, that some of you got off to a big head start at Custer!).  That’s 36 days and 864 hours … time well spent (for some).  But with that short of portion of life, there isn’t much else other than sex that can compare in messing with minds and behaviors or keeping so many professionals engaged in study and/or therapy, creating family secrets (a lot of begettin’ off the family books), subject of gossip, or police work.

(most of the data assumes a 79 year lifespan for Americans, as compared to an 85 year lifespan for Japanese and 53 year lifespan for Nigerians) 

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We’ve made it to 80 … or soon will have.  Who’d have thought?  So let’s celebrate, while we still can!
Our 80th Year Celebration
September 21st
Machine Shed – Pewaukee – 10:00 a.m. to …
N14 W24145 Tower Place
(I-94 & WIS 164 Exit 294)
Come to rejoice making it to our octogenarian status. (Over half the population didn’t!)  Our theme will be a birthday party and, as the announcement states, “We deserve it and we’ll proclaim it LOUD & PROUD!”  Mark it on your calendar NOW, so you don’t forget … like that ever happens to us!  More details will be forthcoming as the date approaches