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05/13/24 01:33 PM #3478    


Garry Sellers

Yeah Jim - Good clean living ... that's how we made it this far.  Wasn't it Shelly Berman who immortalized the Custer motto:  "Clean mind, clean body .... take your pick!"  Or was that Camp Granada?
Maybe it's good to not have things being poked into areas that are better left alone but I miss some old time doctoring. (As a corpsman you did you own fair share of poking, didn't you?) I had an internist who was also one of the directors of a renowned medical organization with which he was associated.  I set up an executve health audit for my company with him.  I saw him for 30+ years.  He retired to go play piano in a jazz quartet, to be replace by a young, lady Indian physician.  Plenty smart, efficient ... and has missed on 3 out of 4 things I went to her for.  It now takes me 2 - 3 months to get an appointment to see her, yet alone any specialist she may refer me to.  If I get sick or injured, it's 4+ hours in an Urgent Care facility with a doctor who I will never see again and is working grueling 12 hour shifts! (I usually get them at the end of the their shifts!)  Gives me an opportunity to be exposed for hours in a waiting room full of unimaginable germs, blood, tired sad children, irrate parents and immigrants who have no understanding of the medical system.
I don't suppose I'm gonna see a house visiting doc very soon, huh?

05/13/24 06:35 PM #3479    


Barbara Blair (Brenzel)

I had a house visiting doctor when I was a Sophomore - I think that he was the last one!!


05/14/24 12:43 PM #3480    


Terri Levenhagen (Hoornstra)

Wow! You described today's medical scene to a "T", Garry. There's one exception, though - 3 days ago I received an "invitation" to get jabbed with the latest Covid booster, and I'm actually going in today. I guess when it prevents you from having to avail themselves of their services, they're happy to see you.

05/15/24 04:21 PM #3481    


Jim Cejka

OK, Where’s Dr. Welby when we need him. But, you guys are right.


I was fortunate, in some previous life, to work for a medical company and teach in hospitals around the world (I taught Dr. Barnard, the guy who did the first heart transplant in South Africa, how to do an EKG.) They were often good, state-of-the-art, places, dedicated and knowledgable staffs. I couldn’t help thinking at that time (1980s), that the U.S. had all these big, beautiful hospitals, super doctors and nurses, technology galore, . . . and one of the worst delivery system in the world. In just about every country, the people had universal health care, the only roadblocks were distances and transportation. Some had combination of basic universal care and insurance, any way, any how, the care was there. 


Not us, not even today, 40 years later. We have to have INSURANCE. When we were young and working, we had, if we were lucky, a job that provided it. We never thought about the fact that our employer, or union, gave us coverage from the lowest bidder. We had INSURANCE. Of course, you could always buy your own, which could be a choice between INSURANCE or food. Then we got old, we qualified for Medicare. Some kind of basic INSURANCE, that was good, but we still have to pay deductibles, and a deduction from our Social Security income, and buy an alphabet of extra coverage plans for the really bad stuff, drugs, etc., and still pay for whatever isn’t covered. And again, coverage or Corn Flakes.


And, with the demise of the family doctor, we have to navigate between HMOs and PPOs, in/out of networks, and whether the doctor we want to see, or the closest facility, accepts whatever plan(s) we may have. 


One of my sons, when he was teaching in Japan, needed major surgery on his knee. Total cost, hospital, surgery, rehab = $75. Another son, and his wife, who now live in Norway, can easily and quickly get a medical appointment, see the doctor, be treated, and no costs. Both got excellent care.


Somehow, somewhere, in our U. S. rights of “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. . .,” 

we have subtracted the expectation of good health from the “life” and “happiness” part.

05/16/24 08:12 AM #3482    


Nancy Davison (Boerger)


Jim, our older daughter’s experience has been similar to your son’s regarding medical treatment in foreign lands. She needed care for a minor ailment in, of all places, a small and remote village in Georgia (not Savannah, but the old USSR one) while there studying their music. Top notch care, and the bill was almost nothing!
 And then there is the insurance issue. It took months, including multiple phone calls, repeated relating of the problem, hours of waiting on “hold”, and several repeat filling out of the same form, to finally arrive at even a hope for reimbursement for care related to the Influenza A and Covid that we contracted somewhere along the coast of Chile in February. After all this, we will now wait months for the company, which had somehow lost or misfiled all the info, to review the claim.
All this frustration, without the time constraints of a job and children, or the marginal English skills or intellectual challenges which burden some hapless coverage applicants. And some haven’t the other vital factor - a healthy dose of perseverance. 

05/18/24 12:51 PM #3483    


Jim Cejka

Yeah Nancy, 

Our system is a mess. It's like wrestling octopuses (octopi). The problem with the problem is that we don't trust anybody, i.e., the government, to fix the problem. Systems work in other countries, they're plenty of good models out there, but the octopus creature has way too many arms and fingers, and politicians, in the pot to work together for a solution.

05/19/24 07:01 PM #3484    


Jim Cejka

Hey - really cool

Turner Classic Movies (one of the few tv channels I watch) is about to show "The Muppets Take Manhattan."

Now that's a classic - take that Maltese Falcon, take that Bogie, take that Orson. . . 

05/28/24 07:21 PM #3485    


Jim Cejka

Is my age or stick-in-the-mudness showing? Memorial Day is May 30 - no matter what day they say it is. 


I remember (At least I think I remember - not too sure of that nowadays either.) being in Custer’s band, and the CONNtinentals, and marching/playing at various cemetery and Memorial Day events. March up, play a song or two, maybe the trumpets would play taps, then hustle unto the busses and off to do it someplace else, and someplace else, and someplace else. Never got to see or hear much of the other ceremonial stuff, all I remember of them was a bunch of old guys (the veterans) with their flags and shooting the gun salutes.


Then, 25-30 years ago, I was commander of the American Legion post in East Troy, and I had to give the Memorial Day speech. I suddenly realized, now I was one of those old guys, I was a real veteran. Memorial Day became much more meaningful, personal then, and has stayed that way with me ever since. 


I still have that speech (the local paper actually published it later). I made a program a bit ago that I’ve now shown at the USS Hornet Museum in Oakland, and several Vet Centers, and showed it at my church last Sunday. It still gives me goosebumps. .


I wonder too, if my son, who’s a CPO in the Coast Guard, will someday realize that he’s one of those “old guy” veterans, and appreciate Memorial Day for what it is supposed to be. 


06/01/24 10:58 PM #3486    


William Nelson

Our daughter forwarded this yestereday via Facebook. I recall an earlier article about this project, but it was still in the planning stages, as I remember. It appears to have come to fruition now. We just hope the neighborhood has reverted to its relatively peaceful past.






06/05/24 09:20 PM #3487    


Jim Cejka

OK, Bill. That sounds cool - in a way.

Somehow I just can't imagine living in Miss Kapp's room. A class hour was enough. 

06/06/24 02:57 PM #3488    


Garry Sellers

Some of my older brothers and sisters went to the "old Custer", a.k.a. Edison (I had 8 of them!).  You mention Miss Kapp, who underneath it all I believe was a very caring person.  But you just wonder what residual energy could exist in a building that saw so many "stories" and experiences as a high school/ jr. high building.  It's like today, June 6th, D-Day.  In my trips to Normandy you'd think you'd feel something related to what terror the spirits of the young boys and who knows how many civilians experienced that day.  I certainly think there is some form of energy in the American cemetery at Normandy ... but is it just energy coming from within me?  Well ... we have a guideline that says let's not discuss religion but it's an interesting conjecture, is there anything in the idea of a location having an "energry"?  I'd nominate any "Custer" building as having "something" we left behind.

06/07/24 05:54 AM #3489    


Jim Cejka


May the Force be with you.

06/07/24 01:40 PM #3490    


Garry Sellers

Thank you Yoda!

06/21/24 12:14 PM #3491    


Terri Levenhagen (Hoornstra)

Here's another interesting news video and article about the transformation of Edison into senior housing. Sent to me by Sally Strand.


06/21/24 04:26 PM #3492    


Jim Cejka

Is there any link or conspiracy theory or anything that it seems more than coincidence that they're converting OUR old school into SENIOR housing in the year that we all reach 80?

07/05/24 03:24 PM #3493    


Garry Sellers

The last time I saw fireworks on the 4th was with my little sister the year she died.  I was back in Milwaukee because we knew she didn't have long.  She was like a kid who never saw fireworks before, oooing and awwwing at every little flicker.  She was adorable.  Hadn't felt the need to go to fireworks since.  But last night, amidst our 100+ degree heat wave, decided it'd be a good night to go out on a little nature preserve that juts out into SF Bay, about 1/2 mile across the water from a SF symphony concert with fireworks.  My wife asked me if I was going to take a jacket.  Ha!!!  It's close to 90 degrees at 8:30, why would a good Wisconsin boy need a jacket?  So we get out there (along with a few thousand of my closest friends who had the same idea) and we could see firworks from no less than maybe 10 differernt communities up and down the SF peninsula, starting at 8:30 before it was actually dark.  Awesome!  Except for the fact that the Bay water temperature is about 51 degrees on 3 sides of me with a breeze that made it feel like 31!  And there I am in my shorts and 4th of July t-shirt ... while my wife snickered wrapped in her furry jacket!  And the main attraction was still over an hour away!!!  The concert's fireworks were in fact magnificent ... breathtaking ... from what I could see from my car where I was with the engine running and heater on full blast!  Where's this, "with age comes wisdom" crap?

07/06/24 06:26 AM #3494    


Jim Cejka

Happy Shark Week.


07/06/24 04:23 PM #3495    


Nancy Davison (Boerger)

No way.

Great Lakes: no salt, no sharks, no worries.


07/07/24 07:44 PM #3496    


Jim Cejka


The Shark Week programs and associated hoopla are to show you fresh water folks what you're missing. 

07/08/24 03:55 PM #3497    


Nancy Davison (Boerger)

And I am grateful.

07/17/24 01:29 PM #3498    


Jim Cejka

At the clinic today, I noticed one of the nurses talking into her wrist phone thing. When I mentioned that that made me feel really old, because I remembered the comics and Dick Tracy's wrist radio as being ultra-future sci-fi stuff. Felt even older when I had to explain who Dick Tracy was, and that comics like that appeared in newspapers. 



07/18/24 03:55 PM #3499    

Art Perez

what was the name of that dirty kid in the cartoons that always had a black cloud over his head ?


07/18/24 05:09 PM #3500    


Jim Cejka

I remember 2 "dirty" characters - 

Joe Btfsplk - a character from Li'l Abner

Pigpen - from Charlie Brown


07/19/24 10:02 AM #3501    


Jim Cejka

R .I. P. Dr. Hartley

07/24/24 07:27 PM #3502    


Jim Cejka

Hello Jeopardy Fans,

For those of us who revered "Jeopardy," the good one, not the new one, the Post Office has announced that they are issuing a new forever stamp in honor of Alex Trebek. 





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