Recent Passings

Tom Gajewski
November 27, 1944 - November 17, 2024
Tom in a "Loyalty Day" skit playing the greasy fingered equipment manager.
We just learned of the passing of Tom Gajewski on November 17th, 10 days short of his 80th birthday.  Many of you will have memories of Tom because for a non-athletic type of person he was involved in almost every sports activity and events.  Tom was one of those people who always seemed to have a smile on his face and was one of the first to volunteer for wherever help was needed.  If equipment needed to be found or cared for, it was Tom to the rescue.  If you were on an athletic team and maybe a tad bit short of the required playing time to have earned a letter, Tom could get you through. Many of the people Tom helped never even knew what he had done to help them!
And that commitment to helping others never stopped.  Just ask Tom's long time buddy, John Stanelle.  John operated a number of businesses in the Milwaukee area and counted on Tom's help to keep them running, especially after John moved to Las Vegas.
Many of you will remember Tom at a number of the reunions, the last one he attended was the 55th.  Tom's obituarty can be found at the following website:
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Brig General James “Russ” McCarthy
Husband of Custer '62 graduate Patricia McCarthy
Special Flyover Honors
On October 17th, Reagan International Airport outside of Washington, D.C., shut down all air traffic in order to allow a B-52 flyover in honor of General James “Russ” McCarthy’s internment at Arlington National Cemetery.  Russ was the husband and life partner of our own Patricia McCarthy (yes, that makes her name Patricia McCarthy McCarthy!).  Pat tells us that the bomber came in at 500 feet!!!
Russ was an authentic war hero, TWICE receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross for some unbelievable flying he did in Vietnam, including taking off from an enemy controlled airstrip under heavy fire, clipping a palm tree, flying with 10 feet of tree draped over his wing … and getting safely home!  In 1972 Russ led the largest B-52 raid in the history of the Strategic Air Command on a mission over Hanoi, through terrible weather and deadly missile and anti-aircraft enemy fire without the loss of an aircraft!  For that he was awarded the Air Force Cross, only one notch below the Medal of Honor.  All the other medals he earned are too numerous to mention.
If you were at our 50th, or 55th reunions, you would have had the opportunity to meet Russ.  He was impressive, not because he thought of himself as a hero, but because he was totally down to earth, personable and quite interested in what others had to say.  He had time for anybody who wanted to sit down and chat … about anything.
Thank you Pat for the information and sharing your husband with us.  (Yes, I owe you another hug!!!)
Pat (right) with friend Barbara Blair Benzel at our 80th birthday party in September
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Melody Jones Parker
September 4, 1944 - September 27, 2024
Melody assured me several years ago that if/when she should pass, she'd make sure her son, David, informed us.  David was kind enough to give us the information about Mel's passing.  Her obituary has not yet been published and since her friends and family were all over the country there has been no formal services.  As soon as we have the obituary, we'll post it on the "Recent Passings" page.  In the meantime, if you want to reaquaint yourself with Melody, her values and sense of humor, go back through the "Message Forum" 3 or 4 years ago. She was a frequent contributor.
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Ronald K. Chesnik
April 1, 1944 – July 23, 2024
We were saddened by the news that Ron passed away quietly in his sleep a few days ago.  Wayne Reineck, a lifelong friend of the Chesniks, both Ron and wife Connie, passed along the information shared by Connie.  Listed below is one of the most thoughtful, lovely obituaries I’ve ever read … not sure who wrote it but he/she obviously thought a lot about Ron.  It says so much that we don’t need to repeat a lot of information about what kind of person Ron became.
I have this memory of Ron as being a big guy, athletic but gentle, friendly but not needing the limelight like many of the so-called “popular” kids.  Wayne echoes that opinion stating that Ron had a very demanding father (an all-conference football player in college and bigger than Ron)  who emphasized scholastics over everything else.  That was borne out by the fact that Ron made the honor roll most of the time even though he was involved in sports and various clubs.
He is said to have the rottenest luck because whenever there were teenage shenanigans going on, it seemed like it was always Ron who got caught or blamed for them.  One example Wayne related was that Ron was allowed to take the family’s big station wagon to haul 7 or 8 kids to a Custer basketball game.   Apparently, somebody in the backseat thought it’d be a good idea to put his feet on the ceiling unbeknownst to Ron.  But the footprints on the ceiling did not escape his dad’s attention … for which Ron paid a price!
Maybe some of you had time to catch up with Ron and Connie at our 50th Reunion from which we have the photo above.
Thanks Ron, for your service to your country as an Army Captain in Vietnam, an excellent family man and a friend to many of us growing up.
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Randy Oloizia
August 11, 1944 - March 15, 2024

Here we go again, another passing of a member of our class who we lost complete track of after graduation and yet he led a full life right within our Wisconsin neighborhood.  Many of you should remember Randy because he was so active at Custer participating in track, wrestling, German Club, Math Club, played in the band and orchestra, student council and more.

As you can see from Randy’s well written obituary, he carried that enthusiasm for life into his adulthood as a teacher at the Wauwatosa high schools where he also coached track, cross country and wrestling.  As you will see when you read the obituary Randy derived his greatest satisfaction in being a dad and grandpa! 

Please take the time to click on the link below and appreciate what is thoughtfully written about Randy.  Another life well lived and a glowing personification of our class’s character and values.  Note: The obituary states, " A visitation will be held Saturday, April 6, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. until a brief prayer service at 11:30 a.m. at Schmidt & Bartelt Funeral Home, 10121 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa."

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Ted Giencke
April 4, 1944 to Feb 21, 2024
(note birthday 04/04/44)
Thanks to the gracious help of Ted’s wife Sharon and his daughter Ann, we’ve been able to learn more about the life Ted lived after graduating with us.  Ted’s family was a member of the same church at 38th and Silver Spring that quite a few of our classmates grew up in.  His childhood home was just a block or so down from the Town Pride on Teutonia Avenue.
After Custer, Ted went off to Minnesota where he earned his teaching credentials and taught for a number of years before founding the Central Minnesota Education and Research Council, serving a wide variety of needs to the local education systems.  It still exists today.  He was also sharp enough to form his own cable company which he ran for 10 years before selling to a major cable provider.
Ted was an avid woodworker, with a complete shop set up in his basement.  He was constantly building cabinets and other home improvement items … even building his own wooden boat!  He loved boating and made the trip from Minnesota to his final home in Florida towing his favorite boat.  If that wasn’t enough to keep him busy, he and Sharon spent a lot of time with friends going from one square dancing event to another across the U.S. and Canada. 
Of course, now that Ted has passed, his poor wife is stuck with the task of cleaning out all of the many storage cabinets Ted built and installed in his garage from floor to ceiling and other places where he could tuck things.  He was a collector!
Ted obviously led a full life with his family which includes son, Todd, and daughter, Ann, who was so helpful in sharing stories about Ted’s life.  Thanks Ann.
We’re sorry we didn't get to know you better after school Ted but are pleased to know that you are yet another classmate who has done our school proud.  Admirable job, Ted!!!
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Edward “Eddie” Lewis
April 30,1944 to June 6, 2023
Eddie with his lovely daughter Chassidy
Thanks to Ron Willman’s research, we belatedly learned of Eddie’s passing last year.  Eddie was part of many of our lives long before attending Custer.  He was an important part of basketball teams even before Edison Jr High.  We often say that we were bought up in an integrated neighborhood, but the facts are we didn’t have many black people in our school.  But as exemplified by Eddie, we did have a great group of African-Americans who felt very much like every other classmate on every level, of our class both academically and socially.  We can only guess what difficulties they had to indure back in those days but we know, Eddie for one, handled them with class. 
Not only was Eddie a sparkplug on the basketball team but rare was the time that he didn’t have a smile on his face and a friendly word.  That is except when he played buckets as he did so well.  He was the key to setting up teammates, an expert at ballhandling and an intense competitor.
We don’t know much about Eddie after Custer but he and his lifelong friend, Charlie Perkins, were a delight at the 50th reunion.  You can tell from the tributes to Eddie in the attached obituary that Eddie was well thought of as a dad, neighbor and friend.  Thank you for being part of our lives Eddie.   Well done, sir, well done!
Eddie at the 50th Reunion
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Michael J. Koester
May 1, 1944 - January 18, 2024

We're sadden to have to report the passing of Mike Koester on Thursday apparently after a lengthy health battle.  Our thanks to Coleen Kober Marshal for providing the information about Mike.  Notice the the closeness of their last names, meaning Mike and Colleen sat behind one another in classes.  Mike was in the Math Club which probably was a foretelling of his future as a CPA.  From the obituary posted below, Mike was obviously a good family man, married for 56 years, a doting Grandpa and apparently an avid billiards player!  Please post any memories or thoughts under Mike's name on the "In Memory" page.

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William "Bill" Mingari
June 22, 1943 - September 30,2023
Bill is another one of our classmates who is remembered as being very pleasant but low keyed.  We don't have a lot of information on his days at Custer but as you can see from the attached obituary, Bill lead a full live.  Well done, Bill, well done!
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Bryan Gutknecht
October 31, 1943 to September 12,2023
We were informed by Bryan's good friend, Patricia McCarthy, that Bryan died of an apparent heart attack on Tuesday, September 12th. A resident of Marinette, Wisconsin an obituary was posted by Anderson-Diehm Funeral home in Menomenee Michigan, which is just across the Menomenee River from Marinette.  This is where a visitation will be held on October 28th.
The obituary reveals little of Bryan's life after high school but we do know, according to Pat, Bryan was going through a difficult period while at Custer.  His father died when he was 14 and Bryan told Pat that he was a very anger young man, for which he apologized to her.  That may be true but our recollections of Bryan was that he was a very quiet person who who interacted mostly with his band member friends.  That changed as he grew up becoming very thoughtful, outgoing and a good friend to many.  He provided emotional support to Pat as her husband went through the same battle with cancer that Bryan had survived.  The above photo was taken at the 55th reunion where he had a great time with his former classmates.
New Information about Bryan ... provided by his grandson
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Allen Wayda
December 24, 1943 to June 26, 2023
Thanks to Dennis Kuehn who just recently advised us of Allen's passing back in June.  There isn't much of an obituary for Allen but if we can read between the lines, Allen was quite a character and good friend and neighbor who loved the outdoors.  Here is the information from the Harder Funeral Home:
If you knew Allen, have any stories or information about Allen at Custer or as a husband, father and grandfather, please let us know so we can share it with our classmates.
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Jim Klomberg
Passed away April 26, 2023
(January 1962 graduating class)
We just learned that Jim passed on Wednesday, April 26.  Jim was a member of the mid-year graduating class and another person who was extremely pleasant, easy to smile but not one to seek the limelight ... although he participated in quite a number of activities.  Apparently Jim's wife suffered some kind of dibilating injury early in her life and Jim set upon making sure she was well cared for until her passing in 2017. There's a very nice write-up in the Journal-Sentinel which outlines Jim's many interests in addition for caring for Nola.
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Carol L. (nee Rode) Knutson
January 10, 1944 - November 11, 2022
We lost another real sweetheart just last week, Carol Knutson.  Her daughter, Jennifer, was thoughtful enough to inform us of Carol's passing, which is just the type of thing you'd expect the daughter of Carol would do.  She was always a pleasant thoughtful person ... much like her high school sweetheart, Chuck Knutson, to whom she was married for 58 years.  Neither of them were the types to seek the limelight but they were always involved, Carol in numerous clubs such as the Pep Club, Spanish Club and others while Chuck was a key player on the football team.
Carol's obituary doesn't tell us much about her passed 50 years but her daughter has been asked to give us a few highligts.  We'll add them as they are received but logically it isn't a high priority for the family right now.  On behalf of Carol's and Chuck's many friends, we have passed on their classmates' condolensces to Chuck and the rest of Carol's family.
Carol's obituary can be found at:
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Sandy Wach Oldham
September 28, 1944 - November 13, 2022
A force of nature is gone!  The seemingly invincible, iridescent, irrisistable, and insatiable Sandy Wachs has passed away.  We knew something must be terribly wrong when Sandy faded from the planning for the 60th reunion.  Fading away is not a term you'd ever associate with this dynamic person.  Whether it was in leading the cheer squad, the water ballet or her cohorts in crime on Custer's rooftop or crashing a wedding ... Sandy was always out there in front!  We recently learned how terribly ill she's been for some time, although she preferred to not share her struggles.  That's just like her ... the show must go on!

Nobody who knew Sandy will soon forget her.  Almost everybody she touched has a "Sandy" story ... and she touched so many people whether as a classmate, friend, teacher, gymnastic coach, world class gymanstics judge or dance instructor for old classmates wearing fake bikini costumes at the 50th reunion.

Sandy, we are in awe of what you accomplished all through these 78 years we've had with you.  Well done, lady ... well done!!!

For a lovely highlight of Sandy's life you can read it in her obiturary at:
The 55th reunion of the Wach's Mischief-Makers
Using their maiden names  Mary Jacobi, Meribeth Hodges, Judy McConnell and even the simingly innocent Nancy Davison, joined with Sandy to relive some of those adventures!
Sandy leading a group of classmates in a "dance" routine at the 50th reunion
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Ron Franzel
November 8, 1943 - June 24, 2022
If you're like many of us, we hardly knew Ron but most of us knew his sister Judy.  It was Judy who just informed us of his passing on June 24th in North Carolina.  She says that Ron joined the Army out of high school and spent a lot of time in Alaska.  Returning to Milwaukee he joined the Square D corporation and followed the company's move to Raleigh North Carolina.  That's where he retired and where Judy was a frequent visitor, Ron showing her the sites including the Atlantic, Charleston and a visit to Washington D.C.  Judy reports that after he retired he became very involved in his church where he met his lovely wife Ann.  Ron, sorry we weren't more of a part of your life but again, here's another life well lived.
Sharon Hanson Carini
Sharon passed away May 27, 2022  We don't have a date of birth.
Sharon was one of the really neat people in our graduating class, participating in just about every activity girls were allowed to be in back then.  She, of course was a cheerleader, but will be remembered by this author as his prom date on the Jr prom court.  I wasn't dating anyone at the time and asked Sharon, who I knew had a boyfriend in the Army and was stationed overseas, because she was one of the most universally liked and deserving people in the school.  It was a very platonic yet exciting evening for both of us.  She was a picture of sweetness.  We don't have any details about her passing and the obituary below doesn't give many details.  But, we do know that when she attended the 1994 All Classes Custer Reunion at the lakefront, she was still recovering from a bout of cancer.  It's our understanding that she fought through several more episodes.  Apparently she finally succumbed to it.  But she put up a good fight, was an exceptional person and we're all proud to have been part of her life.  Thanks for sharing your life with us Sharon.
Sharon on the far left with other Custer classmates at the 1994 All Classes Reunion.
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Harriet Bollman Wright
6/8/1944 - 6/23/2019
The ladies from our class have always been difficult to track down, because of married names and our class records showed no middle initials.  Those are essential in researching people.  We lost track of Harriet a long time ago but if you read her obiturary you can see this is another classmate with a life well lived.  Harriet, so sorry we missed your passing but are thankful you were a part of our lives, if only for a heart beat, and shared pleasant memories of growing up in northern Milwaukee.  We're pleased to hear about the lovely life you built in Texas.
Harriet's obiturary:

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John Clark
August 12, 1944 - December 2, 2021
We're sorry to only recently have learned about the passing of John Clark last year.  In reading John's obituarty ( it's clear John lead an incredibly interesting life, building an international business from scratch, active in many outdoor activities and organizations while raising a lovely family in Elroy, WI ... although he was born in California!  John is another one of our classmates with who built a full and impressive life after parting friendships from Custer. Again, all we can say is that we admire your life John and wish we could have kept you closer as friends.

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Richard Baker

Birthday (unknown) - June 17, 2022


Thanks once again to John Ruhland for passing on the information about Dick.  In his "Message Forum" comments, John referred to Dick as being a bit "rough around the edges", but would do anything for a friend.  That certainly fits with my recollections of Dick back in our school days.  Dick was not a conformist but I remember him as always being friendly.  With 5 daughters (hey a basketball team!) granddaughters and great granddaughters, Dick certainly must have done something right and they more than likely knew all of his soft spots!

Maybe if your looking for more information about Dick's life, contact John through the "Message Center" and hopefully John can share what he knows.

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Dennis Unterholzner

December 5, 1944 - May 29, 2022


It is thanks to the thoughtfulness of Dennis' wife, Mary, that even in her time of mourning she shared the information about his passing with his classmates.  It's also a reflection of how Dennis led his life, dedicated to helping others ... as an academic librarian at Carthage College and in many roles he filled in his church.  Dennis was not one to seek the limelight at school but he always had a friendly smile.  If you were at the 55th class reunion, you would have found that same easy manner and quick smile from both Dennis and Mary.  (Of course there were those of us who hated Dennis for how well he had aged, putting many of us to shame!)  That same dedication was reflected in the pride he took in being a Dad and Granddad.

Again, we thank Mary for her sharing and our admiration for Dennis on a life well lived.

   Dennis and Mary at the 55th Class Reunion

  Dennis and Mary with son and wife at Devil's Lake

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James T. Krenz

April 19, 1944 - June 13, 2022


Thanks to John Ruhland for pointing out James' obituary in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal.  We can only echo John's characterization of James as being quiet, friendly and highly intelligent.  James was not one to force himself on you but you always knew he was around because of his quiet, confident demeanor.  James certainly carried that same manner into his position at Cutler Hammer where he spent most of his professional life of 43 years.  While he wasn't in sports at Custer, James enjoyed his golf game as frequently as possible.

There are many of you who have personal stories involving James and it would be much appreciated if you share them on his page on "In Memory".

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Barbara Biesel Rank
Nov 13, 1943 - March 8, 2022

Barbara passed away on Tuesday the 8th after a long battle with an illness, according to our friend and classmate Mitch Heinrichs.  Mitch happily recounts the many days on which he picked up Barbara and friends for the daily trip to Custer in his overcrowded car.   Barbara married Judy Rank's brother Don, Judy being a classmate of ours and Don having graduated from Custer in 1961. Ironically, Barbara and Don moved to a small town in Door county a short distance from where Mitch built his bed and breakfast facility ... but didn't find out about it until years later!  They then reconnected.

Here's a touching obituary recounting the life adventure Barbara had through the years:

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Dennis Sorenson
1944 to 2022
with wife Ellyn Steinbach Sorenson

We just learned of the passing of Dennis Sorenson, who married his Custer sweetheart, Ellyn Steinbach, and lived a remarkable life, including covering the Packers and the Bucks for the Assoicated Press.  It's hard to find a better example of a loving couple and our hearts go out to Ellyn, having lost her mate of 58 years.  Both Dennis and Ellyn are a couple of the sweetest people you'll ever meet and many are proud to call them friends.  If you want to read a really cute story of how and when Dennis first met Ellyn, he writes of it in his "school story" under his "classmate profile".  Answers the question of when did you know she was THE girl for you?  Ellyn is mum on the story but we believe she has a knowing, sly smile on the subject!

Once again we are left to read a lovely obituary which can hardly do justice to an extraordinary life well lived.  All we can say is, "Well done Dennis, well done" and send our caring hugs to our friend Ellyn.

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Donna Karl Leitzke

June 30, 1944 to January 13, 2022

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Donna a couple weeks ago.  It’s hard to believe because those of you who were at the 50th reunion could see a vibrant, happy, energetic woman with the same cute dimples and broad smile she was known for all of her life. 

Donna and husband Jon at the 50th reunion

In speaking to Jon, Donna apparently contracted a very rare form of a blood disease which currently has just over 500 cases worldwide.  She fought valiantly for a year, had a lovely Christmas with her son, daughter and grandchildren, and then, according to Jon, slipped very quickly away.

I’ll always remember Donna because she lived near just north of Smith Park, near 33rd and Sheridan as a kid, having often walked passed her house on my way home on the other side of Silver Spring.  Hers and my families attended the same church and I don’t recall ever seeing Donna without her infectious smile!  She and Jon spent a good deal of time at their home on a lake near Eagle River, especially with their grandkids.  Jon is still at their long time Germantown home, trying to adjust to the loss of his partner of 57 years.

There’s a lovely memorial video of Donna on the Krause Funeral home website:
I know you will all join us in extending our heart-felt condolences to Jon and all of Donna's family.
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A big thank you to Bill Nelson for sharing the information that we lost Jackie Neist back in August.  Jackie and I share the same birthday and almost every year I would send her some lame birthday joke about us getting older ... but for some reason I didn't this year.  She'd usually send me a good natured ribbing back.  She made it to our birthday this year and died the next day.  Apparently she was in serious liver trouble but they expected her to make it much longer.

Jackie was great fun at the 50th reunion, which ironically, they used her picture from the reunion in her obituary.  She does look like the upbeat person she was.   You'll always be with us, Jackie.

For more information, here is a link to her obituary.

On another note:  I have been concerned that we've gone 3 years without another death notice.  I worry about us missing the passing of somebody such as we did with Jackie.  I especially worry about take liberties with people's names in the jokes that are published on the homepage and they might not be with us anymore.

If you know of any of our classmates who have passed on please drop me a note with the information.   Use the "Contact Us" tab to send me an email or my email at  I'll handle the details of getting the notification out.  Thank you.

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Darrell Dachelet

September 22, 1944 to September 19, 2016


We don't have many details of what happened but somehow we missed the passing of Darrell Dachelet back in September of 2016.  Darrell was very active in his Custer days, involved in sports such as track, golf and basketball and a number of the variety shows.  Darrell lost his first wife but was lucky enough to find another love and was married in 2011, a short while prior to attending our 50th reunion party.  The photo above with Darrell holding a microphone was from the reunion.  Not sure where the Sponge Bob photo was taken but it's clear Darrell is having fun.

There is a very nice write up of Bob's life in the following obituary:

It would be nice if those of you who knew Darrell well would share some of your thoughts and experiences with him in our "In Memory" section.

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Leonard Malvick

March 7, 1943 to May 1, 2019

I didn't know much about Len while in school which is certainly my loss, but most all of us know Nancy Lord Malvick.  Nancy was probably one of the classiest girls in our class and liked by everyone.  That says an awful lot for Len that she would build their life together.  Reading his obituary it is clear that they weaved lovely memories together and passed them along to their daughters.  We're terribly sorry for your loss Nancy and if there's anyway we can support you in your time of need our arms are open to you.

Leonard Malvick's obituary:

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Terry Engel

Born:  Jan 29, 1944 -  Died: Oct 3, 2013

Sharpsburg, Ga

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Nancy Homan Cagley - June 2, 1944 - Dec 17, 2018


Nancy at the 50th reunion and part of the ladies dance team!

It's happened again!  We lost a wonderful friend from our class and are just learning about it now.  If you attended the 50th reunion it was hard not to notice Nancy, her enthusaism, her joy being with old friends and the fun she had with the hilarious dance routine some of the ladies performed.  It was the same time that Nancy had recently married Tom Cagley after having lost her first husband in 2004 when he suddenly passed away.  She had everything going for her, not the least of which was her infectious smile.

The word that comes to mind with Nancy is "involved".  She was so involved with life on so many levels; as a Mom, as a nurse, as a leader in her community and her church, and as a wife.  She was a remarkable woman.

No obituary was published, the family preferring to have a special memorial service for which they wrote her biography.  Here is a copy of the bio which details her life and her final struggles that they lovingly wrote.  (Click on this link:)


In speaking to her husband Tom, he did indicate that life long time friend Kathy Piette Iwinski from our class came out to the Orange County area to visit Nancy last Fall while she was still in reasonably good spirits. 

The best we can say to Nancy is, "Well done lady, well done!"

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Ken Breckenfeld

Jerome Patrick Kelly Notice

Jerome Jerry Kelley

We lost two classmates on the same day, September 23, 2018, Ken Breckenfeld and Jerome Kelley.  Ken can be remembered as a fun loving member of the Custer Band, playing clarinet all through his days at Custer.  Jerry managed to make it through his senior year without posing for any pictures so we can't share one with you.  There are nice write-ups for both in the Journal/Sentinel:



Once again, friends of Jerry and Ken are encouraged to share memories and thoughts on their individual pages in the "In Memory" section.

We also learned of the passing of a 1963 grad who many of you may know, Tom Knutson, who we don't believe is directly related to our 1962 classmate Chuck Knutson.  We don't have any further information as to obituary or dates for Tom.

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Meribeth Hodges Engelfried - July 6, 1944 - July 26, 2018

We are deeply saddened by news of the passing of Meribeth Hodges Engelfried on July 26th according to the obituary in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.  (We thank Randall Schopf for calling it to our attention.)

It's hard to know where to begin recalling our times with Meribeth.  Can anybody remember when she wasn't laughing and making the rest of us laugh?  Her friends, Sandy Wachs Oldham and Judy McConnell Anderson, formed a triumvirate of co-conspirators whose exploits and adventures are things of which legends are made!  It has always been a subject of much debate as to who led whom astray!  Regardless, any time you were around the three of them you were sure to come away with your sides in much pain from too much laughter. Even today there are many denials, flushed faces and knowing snickers.  We'll never know them all, will we ladies?

Meribeth certainly suffered from numerous physical ailments but you would never know it from her behaviors at our reunions and informal get-togethers.  She was always quick to smile and had an infectious laugh.  And she was a stalwart, loyal friend to many.

We hope many of you will share your particular adventure or story involving Meribeth on our “In Memory” page for her.

You will be missed, Lady.  The world is a sadder place without you.

You'd think the principal would catch on to these two ... nah!

They're planning something, I can tell!


Who me???  I'm completely innocent! (NOT!!!)


See, I told you so.  Caught in yet another fabrication!!!


Mary Jacobi Hartman tried valiantly to provide adult leadership to the triumvirate at the 50th reunion but it was a thankless task!

We love you to pieces Meribeth.  Your passing can't change that!

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Jack Ashenhurst

May 21, 1944 to January 18, 2018

We were saddened to hear of the loss of one of our classmates, Jack Ashenhurst, back in January. Jack's is one of the sweetest obituraries I've ever read.  He sounds like a lovely, gentle soul who lived a full life.  Read it for yourself, you'll be impressed:

Rest in peace, friend.  Well done!

We learned of Jack's passing in an indirect route.  A thoughtful classmate passed it on to us.  If you become aware of the passing of any of our classmates, please send the information whenever you get it.

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Christopher "Chris" Marx  July 20, 1944 to May 2, 2015


We're terribly sorry to have learned that we missed Chris Marx's passing in 2015.  If you read his full obiturary you'll find what a remarkable person Chris became.  Chris personally posted the photo above of what I assume is his trophy crockodile when he wrote his profile.  I assure you that it was not in the vacinity of his home in Chico, California ... yes, yet another sensible escapee to California.

What I remember of Chris from our high school days is a guy who was quick to smile and always seemed to know more than he let on to knowing.  He was probably already planning some of the many adventures he carried out later.  Chris is the only person I ever knew who had a patch of white hair as a teenager.  It was really an awesome look!  It apparently was so good that he extended it to the rest of his hair later on!!!

I'm truly sorry I didn't get to know the Chris who traveled the world for adventures as well as a good family man.  Well done, Chris.  Well done old friend!

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Dennis Andert

March 24, 1944 to September 27, 2016

Dennis Ardent's daughter, Kimberly, thoughtfully informed us that Dennis passed away after a relatively short battle with pancreatic cancer.  I'm sure this comes as a shock to many of us who saw Dennis at the 50th reunion, looking great and having a good time.  Kim shared with us the very nice obituary at the following website:

Please use the Message Forum and "In Memory" sections to relay your thoughts and memories of Dennis.

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Ken Walter

April 8, 1944 - August 30, 2016

Ken Walter has been dealing with serious health issues for the past several months, in and out of ICU, on the road to recovery only to have another relapse.  He finally passed this morning, August 30, with his family at his side.  Plans for his services are being finalized and will be posted as soon as we have details.

Ken was an entirely unique person.  He was driven by a need for success and always expecting more from himself than anybody could reasonably deliver.  But he delivered .... in big ways.  He was always planning his next big adventure, whether attending a rock concert, athletic event or expanding his business.

Yet he was always "our Ken" to those of us who have known him since high school.  Our California Custer alums sheepshead nights at his home in Woodside (for about the same stakes we played for in high school) were riotous, full of laughter, insults, and braggadocio about athletic prowess well beyond the realities of it.  And it was always his wife Bonnie (Buck Walter) who was laughing the hardest at all the insults directed at her husband of 50 years.  Bonnie has been by Ken's side since our days in high school when she was forbidden to date him and had to sneak out of the house pretending to be on dates with other guys in order to be with Ken.

Ken was fiercily loyal to his friends and family ... and extended family which included most of his employees.  He sometimes ran his business as a social welfare agency, seeing to employees in time of special needs. 

Ken will be missed in so many ways by so many people.


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Angela Campagna Friday

August 24, 2016

New information from Angie's husband:

"The celebration of Angie’s life will begin with a visitation to be held this Wednesday, August 31, at Church and Chapel Funeral Home, 1836 Calhoun Road from 5-7PM (a service to follow).  The next day, Thursday, September 1, there will be a Mass at St. Margaret Mary, 3970 N 92 Street at 10AM."
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal Obituary - Sunday August 28, 2016:

Angela Campagna Friday passed on Wednesday, August 24th with her husband Jerry by her side.  We don't have many of the details at this point but will add them as they become known.  Angie and her infectious, bubbly smile will be missed.

A Facebook posting of Angie and husband Jerry

Angie as part of the dance group performing at the 50th reunion

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H. Doug Krueger

November 21, 1944 to  March 19, 2016


Doug Krueger, classmate and friend to many from our graduating class, sadly passed away on March 19th in Nekoosa, WI, near Wisconsin Rapids.  There are many memories of Doug but it usually involved a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a broad, warm smile. 

There is a marvelous obituary which appeared in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune to which you can use the link below.  We really encourage his classmates to use the "In Memory" section of this website to share recollections and comments related to our friend Doug.

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Jim Treutelaar

February 16, 1944 to October 7, 2015

Jim Treutelaar passed away on Wednesday, October 7th after a relatively brief bout with cancer.  Based partially on the number of emails and phone calls between classmates, Jim remained in contact with and a good friend of many of our Custer alums.  Throughout his life Jim was known for his easy going manner,  great sense of humor, and strong commitment to his family and friends.  He will be missed!

Details of Jim's passing and services can be found in the following obituary:



If you have an special stories, memories, anecdotes or comments to make about Jim you can send them to me, Garry Sellers, and I will post them here on this page as well as to Jim's page in our "In Memory" section.