Custer High School
Class Of 1962
Below are a series of … random thoughts? … jokes? … whatevers … sent to me by various members of our class. Not all received are printable here nor do many of them make sense. Proceed at your own risk.
Bill Koepp - “Kind of scary when the weather person is the closest one to telling the truth on the news these days.”
(This is a real nostalgic trip back to our high school days and beyond. Bill Carlsen was the weatherman at WTMJ-TV from 1951 to 1972! We grew up with Bill as our weather guardian. This is a video of his last day on the job.)
(Bill was an avid aviator and a requirement of maintaining your flight license is to go on a “checkride” with a designated pilot examiner to assess a pilot’s capabilities. It’s like a driver’s test. During a checkride in 1979, Bill suffered a heart attack and died. The checkride examiner had to land the plane.)
Bernie Raml - "The bad news is, I accidentally took the wrong medication today. The Good News is that I am now protected from heartworms and fleas for the next three months."
Howard Radtke - "The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the Shepherd."
Roger Pederson - "In Life, it’s important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply let them be wrong."
Barbara Blair Brenzl - "I’m not saying I order from Amazon a lot, but I just received a wedding invitation from one of their drivers."
Dean Schwarten - "Whoever lost the iPhone 15 pro max outside the dollar store about 30 minutes ago, please stop calling my new phone!"
John Leopold - "It Amazes me how much exercise and extra fries sound alike."
Larry Scholl - "People say 80 is the new 60. The cop who just pulled me over didn’t agree."
Patricia McCarthy - "If the truth makes you uncomfortable, don’t blame the truth … blame the lie that made you comfortable."
Ellyn Steinbach Sorenson - "The people who make fitted sheets need to give remedial course work on how to fold the damn things to get them in your linen closet!
Carol Albers Pederson - "Once you hit a certain age, life just becomes a delicate balance between trying to stay awake and trying to fall asleep while slowly getting worse at both."
Steve Hartung - "I'm at that age where my mind still thinks I'm 29, my humor suggests I'm 12, while my body mostly keeps asking if I'm sure I'm not dead yet."

Mitch Heinrichs - "Sometimes I get road rage walking behind people at the grocery store."

Bill: "Last night, in your sleep, you were cussing me out and saying bad things about me."
Patti: "That was your imagination."
Bill: "What imagination?"
Patti: "That I was asleep!"