Don't you just look at Tom's picture and think he might be walking through the door ... any door, any where at any minute? With his long gait, throwing his arms out the way he did and, always, always, a big fat grin. And you suspected he might be up to something impish or boarderline crazy, you wanted to know what but then again not sure you should know! It was impossible not to be aware of Tom's presence in the room ... any room. A whole bunch of us guys chased Tom for 3 years for various offices and honors but none of us could touch the way Tom crossed every social group at Custer. Tom may have fallen on more difficult times later in life but for at least those 3 years at Custer ... oh man!!!
Tom was always a lot of fun. I'll never forget when we double dated to the senior prom because when he signed my year book he started it off with "Dave, thanks for the good time we had at the senior prom, it was a lot of fun....". That made it sound like I was his date!! He is probably still smiling whenever I'm asked "who's this guy Tom you went to the prom with. I get a laugh out of it too. Thanks Tom.
Garry Sellers
Don't you just look at Tom's picture and think he might be walking through the door ... any door, any where at any minute? With his long gait, throwing his arms out the way he did and, always, always, a big fat grin. And you suspected he might be up to something impish or boarderline crazy, you wanted to know what but then again not sure you should know! It was impossible not to be aware of Tom's presence in the room ... any room. A whole bunch of us guys chased Tom for 3 years for various offices and honors but none of us could touch the way Tom crossed every social group at Custer. Tom may have fallen on more difficult times later in life but for at least those 3 years at Custer ... oh man!!!
David Holm
Tom was always a lot of fun. I'll never forget when we double dated to the senior prom because when he signed my year book he started it off with "Dave, thanks for the good time we had at the senior prom, it was a lot of fun....". That made it sound like I was his date!! He is probably still smiling whenever I'm asked "who's this guy Tom you went to the prom with. I get a laugh out of it too. Thanks Tom.