I have fond memories of biology class with Mr. Royal - probably because I spent so much time in the greenhouse babying my plants which were growing in different amounts of light. My most vivid memory though was when I came to biology from swimming class and started seeing spots in front of my eyes, and the room beginning to swirl around. I staggered up to the front of class, proceeded to faint, and Mr. Royal apparently caught me - because I escaped any breaks or bruises. My next memory was coming to in the back room & Mr. R. getting me to bend my head down - with several classmates looking on - and feeling oh, so completely embarrassed! I spent the next two weeks at home in bed with the Asian flu. But I was always grateful that he knew what to do (and probably saved me even more embarrassment). And I have always enjoyed biology since that first class at Custer; I think the quality of your first introduction to a subject affects your comfort with, and liking for that subject forever afterward, and Mr. Royal got me off to a great start.
Terri Levenhagen (Hoornstra)
I have fond memories of biology class with Mr. Royal - probably because I spent so much time in the greenhouse babying my plants which were growing in different amounts of light. My most vivid memory though was when I came to biology from swimming class and started seeing spots in front of my eyes, and the room beginning to swirl around. I staggered up to the front of class, proceeded to faint, and Mr. Royal apparently caught me - because I escaped any breaks or bruises. My next memory was coming to in the back room & Mr. R. getting me to bend my head down - with several classmates looking on - and feeling oh, so completely embarrassed! I spent the next two weeks at home in bed with the Asian flu. But I was always grateful that he knew what to do (and probably saved me even more embarrassment). And I have always enjoyed biology since that first class at Custer; I think the quality of your first introduction to a subject affects your comfort with, and liking for that subject forever afterward, and Mr. Royal got me off to a great start.