Mr. Kulbacki's chemistry class was one of the harder classes I took and probably the one I worked the hardest at. Remember - if you got 100% on the weekly test, you didn't have to do any homework until the next test? That's why I studied so hard to be able to NOT do all the homework - but in reality you had to study it anyway just to keep up. Also remember pasting "little dots of different colors" for a big project with neutrons, protons (I think).
Janet Darnell (Keno)
Mr. Kulbacki's chemistry class was one of the harder classes I took and probably the one I worked the hardest at. Remember - if you got 100% on the weekly test, you didn't have to do any homework until the next test? That's why I studied so hard to be able to NOT do all the homework - but in reality you had to study it anyway just to keep up. Also remember pasting "little dots of different colors" for a big project with neutrons, protons (I think).
It was an interesting class.